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Jennifer & Joel — Minted
Stay tuned!
The date and venue will be confirmed & announced soon.





What is the dress code?

Out of respect for the Church and the Sacrament, we request that a daytime formal dress code be observed to the best of your ability.

What IS daytime formal?

What is daytime formal ? General guidelines are below.


  • A dress or skirt falling just above the knee or longer OR
  • A trouser suit of matching material and color OR
  • A jumpsuit that falls below the knee and complies with the shoulder strap requirements
  • Shoulder straps that are a minimum width of 1 inch
  • Hats may be worn if so desired

Ladies may find additional tips at the following link:


  • A full-length two or three-piece suit. Jackets and trousers should be of matching material (morning dress is also permitted)
  • A collared shirt
  • A necktie
  • Socks must be worn and should cover the ankle

What is a Nuptial Mass?

A Nuptial Mass is a Mass which includes the celebration of the Sacrament of marriage. It has special readings and prayers suitable to the Sacrament of Matrimony (Marriage).

Can someone who isn't Catholic receive Holy Communion?

According to the Archdiocese of Atlanta, "Because Holy Communion is a sign of unity with the Catholic Church, one should only receive Holy Communion if he believes what the Catholic Church teaches, and is living as a member of the Church, following the way of life that she sets out for her children."

The Archdiocese continues by saying, "Those who do not receive Holy Communion can join with the whole community in prayer, asking God’s blessing upon themselves and upon the whole world."

What if I cannot receive Holy Communion?

For anyone unable to receive Holy Communion, you are encouraged to join the line for Communion, and as you approach the Priest, come forward with your arms crossed to receive a special blessing. In this way you are able to participate fully in the Mass.

What happens in a Nuptial Mass?

While the following list appears quite long, it can be separated into 4 groups: Liturgy of the Word, Sacrament of Marriage, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Conclusion.

Liturgy of the Word

  1. Greeting of the couple and congregation by the priest
  2. Gloria (usually sung)
  3. Opening prayer
  4. Old Testament Scripture Reading
  5. Responsorial Psalm (usually set to music)
  6. New Testament Scripture Reading
  7. Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia - usually sung)
  8. Gospel
  9. Homily based on the Scriptures, Church teaching on marriage, and the individual couple

Sacrament of Marriage

  1. Address to the couple by the priest
  2. The Questions before the Consent
  3. The Consent
  4. The Reception of the Consent by the priest
  5. The Blessing and Giving of Rings
  6. A hymn or canticle of praise may be sung
  7. The Universal Prayer / Prayers of the Faithful
  8. The Creed (said or sung only if Marriage is celebrated on certain days)

Liturgy of the Eucharist

  1. The Preparation of the Gifts
  2. The Eucharistic Prayer
  3. The Lord’s Prayer, stopping just before “Deliver us…”
  4. The Nuptial Blessing
  5. The Sign of Peace
  6. Holy Communion

The Conclusion of the Celebration

  1. Solemn Blessing of the newly married couple and the congregation
  2. Dismissal
  3. Recessional