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Jennifer & Joel — Minted
Stay tuned!
The date and venue will be confirmed & announced soon.




Our Story

We met in the first grade at Midvale Elementary. We attended the same middle and high schools. After graduation, we went our separate ways, lived our lives, and only reconnected many years later as a result of a Facebook post.
Jen made a post about going out in the dark to look for a lost dog in her neighborhood - she was taking pepper spray to ward off the coyotes. Unbeknownst to Jen, Joel had moved back to Georgia and was living on the next street over. Being the chivalrous person he is, Joel commented that he would come help. We never found the dog, but we found a friend in each other. A couple of months later we started dating.
After dating for almost three years, Joel put together an elaborate proposal plan. He scheduled a private tour of Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina - one of Jen's favorite places. He pondered where the perfect place would be all through the tour. Finally opting to ask in the center of the beautiful solarium, known as the Winter Garden.
We have used the time since to deepen our relationship with God. Joel made the decision to convert to the Roman Catholic faith and we felt the only right thing to do would be for our marriage to be a Sacrament. This meant we needed to obtain certain paperwork from the Archdiocese to move forward.
It took over two years, but the waiting is finally over. We are thrilled to now be able to share the beginning of our Covenant relationship with the people we love.